Over the past few days, the Bitgesell Community on Telegram was asked to express their opinion on who should be included in the list for the first-ever personality Bitgesell Of Year 2024 (BOY). We were pleased to see an engaging level of participation.
Initially, the suggestions from Bitgesell Telegram members, holders and friends were prioritized, encompassing global, spiritual and regional leaders as well as individuals from non-governmental or charitable organizations. The list also included all Forbes-listed millionaires and influential personalities of 2024 in all areas.
Excluded from the list were all individuals who promote war in any form - whether through resistance, direct or indirect means - because we believe that war is the most inhumane act and represents a rudimentary "monkey stage" in humanity’s evolutionary scale.
With the essential and invaluable assistance of artificial intelligences such as Grok, ChatGPT, Bard, Claude, Alexa and Siri, and in alignment with the BOY Prize requirements, the following three personalities were selected by majority vote:
1. Elon Musk
Elon Musk is a visionary entrepreneur, CEO of Tesla, SpaceX, Neuralink, The Boring Company, among others. He leads innovations in electric vehicles, robotics, sustainable energy and space exploration, driving advancements such as interplanetary travel and artificial intelligence. His ambition and influence continue to shape the future of technology and humanity.
Followers on X: 205 million
2. Donald Trump
In 2024, Donald Trump miraculously survived an assassination attempt during his campaign, attributing his survival to "divine grace." Despite adversities and unfavorable projections, he won the presidential election, standing out as a resilient and charismatic leader, capable of mobilizing millions of supporters and overcoming political and personal challenges.
Followers on X: 95 million
3. Narendra Modi
Narendra Modi, the current Prime Minister of India, is a charismatic political leader. Known for his strong leadership style, he has spearheaded economic reforms, infrastructure development and the "Make in India" campaign. As an influential figure, he continues to shape India's future.
Followers on X: 103 million
Voting will take place exclusively on Bitgesell's official Telegram channel until December 26, 2024, with the following question:
"Who will you vote for to win the inaugural edition of Bitgesell Of Year (BOY) 2024?
1. Elon Musk
2. Donald Trump
3. Narendra Modi"
VOTE on Bitgesell Telegram:
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