BGL The Justice of The Code
Bitgesell: The Justice of Code Throughout history, humanity has been surrounded by interpretations that often distorted messages of justice, equality and love. Spirituality, in its essence, seeks a universal principle: the truth that emerges from the whole, from balance, from the quantum vacuum from which all things derive. However, systems and institutions were shaped to centralize control, imposing views and practices that frequently contradict the ideal of harmony and abundance. The Blockchain Choice Jesus of Nazareth, as recorded in the Gospels, brought a message that resonates to this day: “I have come that they may have life and have it in abundance” and “Love one another.” His intention was not to establish institutionalized religions but to spread a universal philosophy of justice, love, harmony and balance. However, the interpretation of his words was co-opted by centralized powers, resulting in institutions that, over time, contradicted his teachings by promoting rituals, dem...