BGL: The Light of Power
Bitgesell: The Light of Power Investing in Bitgesell (BGL) carries a deeper symbolism that often goes unnoticed by many investors. The BGL logo features three rows of squares, arranged in decreasing order from left to the top right, in the color purple. This design symbolizes the coin’s deflationary nature, moving from larger to smaller, from lower to higher, emphasizing its potential to become increasingly rare and valuable within our lifetime, rather than in the distant future, as with Bitcoin (mining ending in 2140!). This rarity is driven by Bitgesell's multiple deflationary mechanisms, the primary one being the burning of 90% of transaction fees. The purple color of the BGL logo was also carefully chosen for its strong symbolism, representing both the highest chakra in spiritual systems and power and royalty in the material world. Spiritual Elevation The human body is a complex energy system with seven main chakras or energy centers, extending from the ...