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Bitgesell No Banks Required

Bitgesell No Banks Required  The cryptocurrency Bitgesell (BGL) is not a bank and does not represent a physical currency. However, as digital money or a store of value, it means much more than any money in a bank or a stock in financial markets, where you are merely buying air, fallacy and the illusion of owning a small part of any company.  If you deposit 100 euros in a european bank with a debit card linked to the account, your money will disappear in 10 to 16 months due to bank commissions or fees. In other words, those 100 euros will turn to dust legally and in full view of everyone. This happens with your forced consent, given when you sign a contract upon opening the account. Most people don't realize that when they buy a stock on the stock exchange, they are not buying a part of the company but a part of an idea shared by a group of investors. In reality, they are purchasing various tickets to participate in a casino game. The stock or idea only gains value as more inve...