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  Step-by-Step Guide to Buying Bitgesell Coin 1. Set Up Your Wallets To begin your journey into the world of Bitgesell Coin, you'll need to set up two essential wallets: Metamask and Bitgesell Wallet. These wallets are crucial for interacting with decentralized exchanges and securing your Bitgesell Coin holdings. - Metamask: Visit the official Metamask website ( to download the extension for your preferred web browser. During the setup process, make sure to create a strong password and securely store your 12-word recovery phrase. - Bitgesell Wallet: Head to the Bitgesell Wallet website ( to obtain the Bitgesell-specific wallet. Ensure that you create a robust password and carefully store the provided 24-word recovery phrase. 2. Acquire BNB or ETH Before you can obtain Bitgesell Coin, you'll need to acquire either Binance Coin (BNB) or Ethereum (ETH), depending on your preferred network. Recommendation: it's more cheap to buy WBGL u