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Bitgesell - Keccak & SHA-3

  Bitgesell - Keccak & SHA-3 High Level Security for your money! Imagine Bitgesell is like a piggy bank, and it needs a special lock to keep your money safe. Keccak SHA-3 is like the super-duper lock for the Bitgesell piggy bank. Whenever you put some coins into your Bitgesell piggy bank, the Keccak SHA-3 lock helps make sure your coins are protected. It does this by turning all the information about your coins into a secret code that nobody else can understand. So, even if someone tries to peek into your piggy bank, they won't know how much money you have because it's all hidden behind this special lock. And when you want to take out your coins, the Keccak SHA-3 lock helps make sure that the coins are really yours and not someone else's. It checks the secret code to make sure everything is safe before you can get your money. So, in simple terms, Keccak SHA-3 is like the guardian lock that keeps your Bitgesell piggy bank safe, making sure your coins are secure and only