
Bitgesell Music Creation Contest 2025

Bitgesell Music Creation Contest 2025 Bitgesell Music Creation Contest 2025 RULES: 1. Contest Objective To promote creativity and community engagement through original musical creations in any language or musical style that highlight the core values of Bitgesell (BGL), including its deflationary nature, halving, blockchain and other related BGL concepts. With the monetization of contest videos, the goal is to burn BGL coins during the annual Bitgesell Burning Day initiative, held on the second weekend of October each year. 2. Participation Period Start: January 2025 End: December 31, 2025, at 11:59 PM (UTC). 3. Participation Criteria The music and video must be original and include references to Bitgesell (BGL), deflation, halving, 90% fee burning, blockchain or other concepts related to BGL. Participants may submit and send as many musical creations as they wish. The video must be published on YouTube @cubototal7808 with the contest's official hashtag: #BitgesellMusicC...