After much thought, Homer has made a bold choice to adopt what he believes is the best currency on the planet. This is a currency where money saved from avoiding vices, whims or unnecessary spending, can multiply over time. And best of all: stress-free. Year after year, as more people accept it, coins are burned and mining rewards shrink with each halving, causing the Bitgesell (BGL) coin to steadily gain value. This time, Homer is determined not to miss out.

Homer’s relationship with Bitcoin (BTC) is bittersweet. Over beers, he would confess to anyone willing to listen that, back in 2010, he owned 100,000 Bitcoins but squandered them at Moe’s Tavern, treating everyone to pizza. That day, he felt like a king. Today, the memory makes him want to cry in Marge’s arms, knowing he could have been a billionaire.

Life didn’t go easy on Homer afterward. As crypto evolved, he lost money in P2P trades with shady groups, on exchanges that went bankrupt and in scams like Bitconnect, OneCoin, Terra Luna and Safemoon. Jumping from one branch to another brought more disappointments and less money to risk.

Determined to learn from his mistakes, Homer also chased meme coins for 1000x returns, fell for malicious airdrops, fake ICOs, worthless NFTs and even had his wallet drained by coworkers while he was in the restroom. For the longest time, Homer clung to the hope that coins like Doge, Shiba or Pepe might rival Bitcoin in price per token. However, Lisa proved to him mathematically that this was impossible.

Everything changed a few days ago when Homer stumbled across Bitgesell in a Telegram group. With a sign around his neck promoting the coin, he dove into the Community. Oddly enough, what truly convinced him was a Bitgesell video from India. Although he didn’t understand a word, something clicked and Homer decided to join the BGL mission. After thoroughly researching it, he now faces a choice between two top gems in the market!

This time, Homer plans to make the right decision — one backed by Lisa’s math.

Will he?


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